Sunday, June 17, 2012

CCP - Monthly dinner - Jun12

Greetings to all..

Last Thursday took place the CCP monthly dinner.
CCP is the Portuguese oficial pipe club. " Cachimbo Clube de Portugal"...

Once more great moments, great people, great friends, great smokes ...but a new place.
This time we went to Central Lisbon to a new restaurant "Bem Dito" / "Delicia Explosiva".

A cool restaurant with elegance and "glamour".
Around 19:30 members begin to by one, the big table begins to be filled.

At the "entrance" we could take a look to a collection of oil paintings..
A cool exposition on the walls, with great paintings, even related with the Pipe world.
Well, all were prepared to receave the CCP members for one more great dinner..

Good people at the table changing ideas, opinions, almost always regarding our way of life....Pipe Smoking and all that surrounds this lifestyle.
This time we could see at the dinner some Portuguese pipe makers as well

João Madail, Bruno Robalo and António Monteiro were present.
We have the opportunity to see new pieces, but also talk about details, methods, criterias, woods,,,whatever you can imagin..

João Madail, Bruno Robalo and Paulo Santos.
....Details, techniques and materials...

João Madail and António Monteiro, Friendship all around.


The Organization prepared also some tables where pipe makers and the CCP itself could put some pieces, some products, as an exibition..
It was great to see new pieces, estate pieces, and tobaccos as well.
who wants could appreciate, see details, ask for questions and change a total pipe world environment.

 On the photo as an exemple, A collection of pipes from CCP,
All ready to "go"...In fact a good collection with cool pieces...

At dinner's time in fact the table was full..
very cool dinner.
Now we just wait for next month or the next dinner....

Just one note:
"The Saloon" was represented

All the best to all....Always without stress and with Good Smokes!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Coffee and a Smoke - Great combination

Greetings to all.

On the present days, the majority of the conversations that we ear on a daily basis, are about crisis, poverty, depression, dues, "bad luck", unemployment, , social descrimination, deficit, risk, bad credit and whatsoever more....

 Better or worst, we have to live with that...but only if we want to....
This means we can look for the positive side of all things, at least each one could try to do so...
and if you procede like that, you will see that life will flow much better...
I do that...All time, all days ..all week...always...
we can not dive into the first desgrace's pool that appear in front of us...
we shoud only take in consideration what really means something to us...and discarte all the rest...

  Let's keep it simple!

Troubles? No thanks.....challenge!
Difficulties? No thanks.....obstacles!
Doubts? No thanks..........questions!
Problems? No thanks........issues!
Obligations? No thanks .......tasks!
and so, and so,....

We have to change the prespective of thing and look always for the less negative side possible..
for that motto is " NO Stress.......Relax"
Talking about Relax is talking about something that gives you pleasure in life, something that's make the conscient be available to good things in life...
And.....talking about good things ...smoke is one of those things..

Imagine a "hard"  work day, you are tired, mad with your schedule, time runs will make a stop....breath and prepare yourself to relax......
no matter what pipe you will get from the box or what kind of tobacco you will chose...for now it's just stop and thinking of a great moment of smoke!

After that, your conscience is prepared to receive the complete relax moment....

  Indeed, like a crazy speech but it's true....

To compose the moment, what better than join a coffee...a strong and hot mug of coffee...
So, at this moment everything will be prepared for a great smoke moment.
a Real relax moment.
You, with perfect conscience of the moment, your coffee and your pipe prepared for a Great smoke.
This works...that's for sure...

If you enter in deep detail you will be more stress than ever..
You will try to find the best tobacco for that moment, you will looking for the adquate pipe..
Well not at this moment..I'm talking about the moment that you just need to focus on a relax moment.
Simple things could and should make the diference....

As I told before.....just think about ...Importante and relevant topics on each moment....
and this is THE RELAX MOMENT..not a shooping moment or a purshage moment to choose and think about details of pipes or tobaccos.....
it's the moment to let your conscience focus on the relax.....the good side of life...

When you feel the moment...when you breath slowly and you are not thinking about nothing else than your relax you can choose the pipe and the tobacco....meanwhile prepare your coffee and be ready for a pleasant moment.
Listen to the sound of the coffee machine..."almost ready !", feel within your fingers the texture of your pipe, hold in your hands the choosen tobacco......look and get some "fire" around..breath deeply....and that will be your relax moment.

It's time to use the most admirable frase on this way of life:
"Fire to the bowl".

The ritual begins with the sound of the coffe machine, you have the method to light your pipe and that's it. The moment arrive..the ritual begins..
Now you are brutal enjoying your coffee and your smoke...
you are not thinking in nothing else .....Just in Relax...

In fact, no matter what piece you choose nether with what kind of tobacco...
the important topic is you to be prepared on conscience that you will have your relax moment.
And bear in mind that the world keeps showing news, the conversation's theme keep being the same, each country has his issues....and you are just discarte all of that ...and simply enjoying your moment.

Like popcorns and cola, peanuts and beer, tea and cookies.....for some people...also it's important and to  take in consideration.....

Coffee and a smoke - what a great combination!

All the best for all, good smokes and...just enjoy life!