Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thomas Bazant - "The sand's walker"

Greetings my friends,.
Yes, I have some news from Austria.

Everyone has to give "the first step" once...
The dificult is to start....the dificult is to put one feet after the other and walk for the first time...
From then on .....everyone can walk , and walk....

          That was what happens with our friend Bazant.
Thomas Bazant
He is from Austria, born in 64 and his birthday was a few days ago...so what a better birthday gift then recognition...
As I could say to him many times, regarding the Man, he is a great man, with great Human Values and a good friend, now it's time to recognize it and his work.

He considers heself:

...a pipe nut from the beginning, always on search for the very best smoker shape, this search will hopefully never end...….."

"After a pipe-workshop 2011 at Bertram Safferling and a workshop 2012 at Klaus Zenz I decided to start making them on my own. The goal was to create freehand pipes from "the ground", making everything on myself, drawings, shapes, mouthpieces……and give them MY touch of design"

"I seriously started to make them in April 2012, love to sandblast the pipes, for me no other procedure is so exciting. Sandblasting makes the pipe lighter, attractive, it turns out the natural grain of the wood."

"I love mat finishes, pastel colours and natural oil finishes. I love to give them a very natural design, dont like metal on pipes so much.
I am excited of all those natural applications, using horn material,bones, exotic and inland woods and many others…."

"My first pipes are going to close friends and experienced pipe smokers for free, I need their advices and opinions to improve my work…"

"...everything I do, I do with enthusiasm and love to the pipe and the experiments….the learning process will be a never ending one….and…thats the best of all !"

Well, well, well. on the text that we all read above, that's a little history of "the steps" our friend did to begin walking.
Now we all truly believe that his work is "waliking" ...We have seen some pieces and the word to present it is: Fantastic....

I know that with his determination, dedication, taste and even patience..he will made more and more pieces , good pipes, in forme that we can appreciate the sandblasting he is doing!

This is a humble report about a good Man who is Enter for the criativity side of the pipe making!
Thanks you Thomas Bazant for your work..Hope that you keep on the track with your Sandblasting Art..and you are very welcome to show us, everytime you have, new pieces.
Cordial thanks
All the Best

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saloon's Universe // Website project

Greetings to all.
It's time to announce the Saloon's website, all connected within the Saloon's Universe.


This will be the entrance to Saloon's Universe.

The way to 'travel arround' will be like:
From the left side menu, you will find everything regarding usefull information in General...
as Contacts, and News...

On the Top Boarder you will find the BOXes themes.
Inside of theTheme Boxes will appear the detailed info.
If by case when you read this blog comment some of the BOXES themes were not detailed, it happens because the site is humble begining... :)

At the moment you can begin "travel arround" on the Boxes..check pipe maker's history, see his pieces, enjoy the pipes..
Please let me take the opportunity to thank to some of them which had joined already to the Saloon Universe.

Enrico Marola, from Italy.Please take a look on his BOX and simply enjoy
(click on the image)


Michal Novak, from Czeck Republic
Please take a look on his BOX and simply enjoy
(click on the image)

From Ukraine, Yuriy Aksenov.
Please take a look on his BOX and simply enjoy
(click on the image)

Giacomo Mora, from Italy.
Please take a look on his BOX and simply enjoy
(click on the image)

From Portugal, António Monteiro.
Please take a look on his BOX and simply enjoy
(click on the image)

George Boyadjiev, From Bulgary
Please take a look on his BOX and simply enjoy
(click on the image)

....and more individual Boxes are being prepared...

Look arrond the "Market business" Box theme and see retail online...

"The Briar Pipe" is within the Saloon's Universe.
Please take a look on his BOX and simply enjoy
(click on the image)

Travel? Did I mentioned travel, please enjoy some places, on "Lifestyle" BOX's theme and go deep into tourism...several places will be there to you to see and enjoy!

Here Costa de Caparica - Portugal

More and more Boxes Themes availables and work is being done to fill them all with consistent and relevant information

Guest Book: 
Important is always receive comments and opinions...
Share the true thought.
Please feel free to give your opinion, your comment

Well this was an approach to the Saloon's website.

Daily it's growing and being consolidate.
A Personal word of gratitude to all of you who belived and keep belive on this huge project which is the Saloon's Universe.

Cordial Thanks

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Saloon - Facts and Figures

Greatings to all,

My friends...Saloon's members...
As I've already commented at the Saloon's Group this afternoon, It's about time to comment some facts and anounce some news, regarding the Saloon's Universe.

As you know, at the moment we have a wonderful group on facebook, we have the ISS Page also on facebook, we have already the ISS Blog on the WEB. For now this is the Saloon's Universe.
Some facts and figures:

 On Saloon's Group we can count with 1.650 members, we have 267 direct "LIKES" on the ISS page and we reach more than 93.700 people per week..
... The ISS Blog, that you are reading right now,  has till now 271 visit with only few days of existence....
 With all of these it's time to announce some news....
..and news are being prepared to be annouced
Our Community counts with members from all over the world.
From USA to Indonesia, from Brazil to Norway, from Portugal to Ukrain, crossing Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, Austria, Canadá, Czech Republic, Poland.....
Well as I mention...from all over the world..
regarding the great friendship brotherhood that we have within the Saloon's environment we saw everyday the grow ...
we are realy growing...so nothing better than expande our community to the whole world...
The Saloon's website will be lauched.
We have the domain. Everything is prepared....
Just a litle image....of the front page ! cool isn't it?
The main goal is to compile all pipe makers, all tobacco producers, blenders, all cigars producers, to compile with a lot of info, whatever related with our "smoke cult", but mainly with Saloon's friends..
Those will be the first to be present.
for that reason I've to mention invitations...
The Saloon's website is Under construction, but almost ready to be lauched...
Some invitations to this project were already send by Personal Message, others invitations will be sent...and send...
As we are so many...invitations takes time to deliver.
Please take in consideration that this Saloon's project is open to all who want to be in.
These means that, even you begin to see the website 'ALIVE' and you are not in on of the "BOXs", you can always contact in form your Box begin to be prepared.
This is Important.
If you need some time to think, if you haven't seen the Personal Message, no stress at all, just contact the Saloon's Host and you will receave all adicional informations...

Nevertheless i had the compromiss to all of you to informe this GREAT new.
I am very positive that this will be a Sucess project to all...

It's time to lauch the ISS website. Saloon is growing ...
It will be a Huge platform...
for sure, all toghether we'll  achieve Sucess
More news will be released soon.
Thanks for reading this lines.
Humbly but sincerly
the Saloon's Host

Saturday, May 5, 2012

CCP monthly dinner - May12

Greatings to all.
On the 3rd May evening tooks place one more C.C.P dinner. CCP is the
Portuguese oficial pipe club. " Cachimbo Clube de Portugal"...
...and Myself and others fellows members and friends could have a great time enjoying the meal, drinks, good smokes and... good environment...
This event took place in Lisbon, so after 'work' we follow the "routs", the ways to get there.
More or less at 20:00 all friends and CCP
members were already there talking, comment, having a good time of histories, facts, memories and news, whatever,.....
in real true the meeting began since the first two members meet...from that point, the environment is at the place....
On the photo: João Farinha and António Monteiro - Portuguese pipe maker
 Regarding the goal of this humble report ...to express the good friendship environment all over...
It's wonderful to see meetings like this, no matter where..in real true people count. It's the major topic.... 

While the preparations for seats and meals were
on going, good moments of social pipe world conversations happened , here and there...
On this photo 3 men, same 1st name:
João Madail, João Reis and João.
At this event we had participation of some Portguese and very known pipe makers, like António Monteiro and the most International Portuguese pipe maker João Reis who arrived directly from Denmark ( where he lives and work ) to this event.

On the photo:
João Farinha, João Reis and Carlos Sena.

It is always good when we can shange information, experiences and knowlodge with such good people. Not only at the pipe topics or issues but at Life in general.
The universe where we are all living is simply like this....good and relax moments, share witout need to ask for something...at the end of the day...friendship is always a word that is present.,
CCP dinner is planned to occur each month on the 1st thursday.
 Please take in consideration that these humble photos are only a few of a great report that you can see at CCP page. Here the goal is, once more to express the values that rules the pipe smoking world .Gratitude and thanks for all friends at CCP and special thanks for the consideration that you had with the Saloon,
Indeed here a tentative to show and express that good moments should always surround our lifes. 

BTW, "The Saloon" was good represented.
There're friends on CCP that are already members of the Saloon and we could meet at this event as: Bruno Robalo, Carlos Sena, Paula Coelho, João Madail, Eduardo Conceição ,Antonio Monteiro, Carlos Batalha ......and others... I was there as well :)
Cool experience sharing ideas, comments and news, as well talking a litle bit of the Saloon's spirit and all that runs on it.....But about that ...you already know...  :) 

 Cordial Thanks to all for those great moment


Friday, May 4, 2012

1st ISS meeting - Copenhagen

Greatings to all...
Since last 16th March that is almost a mandatory topic of conversation at the Saloon, within friends, we all have and we all will keep this memory for life. That's for sure.
This photo round the world 3 times :) but that's the point...The meeting took place!

"Round Table"

As we have that spirit of,(and we like to), share information, the people who attempt to that meeting are always trying to express who were the sensations, the feelings, express emotions, comments...
Well for those who couldn't be present, with all respect, we share some moments.

In fact this was one GOAL achieved (fortunatly one more....).
It's complicated to organize a International meeting with the huge number of members that the Saloon has and to prepare all the logistcs, agendas, process, accomodations...whatever..It's not easy..
Nevertheless, and that's the mais reason of my words..with streghts, union, positive toughts, willpower, enthusiasm, love of and for the cause...and thinking always that "toghether we are strong". we made it.

We meet all toghter in Holmegaard, a litle village South of Copenhagen and we could spend a great 4 days weekend within good environment, good friends, good food, cood plans for the Saloon, ...we spend really good time there.
Of course at this time you are all asking "why isn't the history all tell right now?" just because the all history, the all report will be expose on the Saloon...
Now the important point, as I told before is the power of the union within friends...,...
we tought on this GOAL,.....
We acheive it,,,

We All have to send a special thanks to our friend Fritz Schoter, who planned all logistics, and to our friend Carsten Andersen Who prepared all things to the reception of the meeting..a real "local host". For both of you Sapecial thanks .....
On the photo and rounding the table:
Bjarne Jensen, Jan Kloucek, Carsten Andersen, Michal Novak, Fritz Schoter, Thomas Bazant, João Farinha and behind the camera, João Martins.
So,  this way, on this 1st ISS meeting we could join some countries of the Saloon's Universe, such as:
Denmark, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Portugal.

This was a historic fact for the Saloon's world.

Now that we were all together, we could know eachother better, but ...At the end of the day, it looks like we all know eachother for decades......it's a great feeling....
So we have meals all toghether, smokes, work meetings (yes, indeed) planning and discuuss topics for present and future of the Saloon, simple conversation, simple driks (like coffee e.g.)...we were "at home" in a realy friendship brotherhood...having a great time spend ! Just great!

On the other hand we took on agenda something about trainning....
Yes,,,and for this topic we went to a local workshop, to see a professional pipe maker working...this means to see the tools, the process, the sequence, to analyse times of the work...well to understand better....I reforce..to get more information....
After Lunch on Saturday we had MR. Former" (Hans Nielsen), waiting for us...
It was an honor, to participate at this visit...
It was fantastic to be welcome by such GOOD person, so human, so professional..so friendly...
well you can understand What I 'm trying to express.
And we stay there at the workshop during afternoon learning, comment, asking, in fact a lesson in life...

A writen word Mr Formen......
Big and Cordial thanks for everything!

On the photo all of us with Mr Former, at the workshop, the atlier, whatever...but one thing I know...from that place many cool pieces has born...

At this moment, while write these words, I have in my memory the realy topic that could chage the
Goal into reality....
This was, this is ...The friendship Brotherhood that exist between the Saloon's members, the spirit, the Human Values and The Values that the Saloon has....with all this combined....everythig is posible....
After the Saturday's Visit we keep on with our agenda...
agenda was very complete..in fact...

Next day we went to Copenhagen (city center) to attempt to the Denamark pipr show.
We spend all day there and we inscribe a ISS team at the smoking contest..,,
and...you know...classifications are not important for now,. so...it will mnentioned on the Saloon...

or not, we keep enjoying everything....smokes, dinners, visits, .,,,,and we also got some time to see some typical pipe shops at Copenhagen......just before we begin to fly home...

This was just a litle bit of information about a great report that is beeing prepared regardig this so important event!
This is a event to repeay...for sure, next year, but as always, information will be shared at the Saloon.
More news will arrive soon, regardig the report of the 1st meeting and news for the next meeting...always without stress,......Information will appear!

Just a simple word more to thank to our friend João Martins that has spend all time taking photos,,,for that reason it's dificult to get him on a photo.
Neverthelesss..... Cordial thanks

As you can see on the photo next to Bjarne and Also with the camera on hands!

I Hope you that have liked to read this lines....
Let's keep the Saloon's spirit ....always
Best regards
Cordial thanks
and.....Good smokes



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Saloon's Coat of Arms

Greetings to all,
hello Saloon's friends.
As you all might know the Saloon is a real friendship brotherhood.
For that reason and to keep improving for better, we decide to express and to have another mark, regarding the Saloon's Universe and the Saloon's values.
We are a huge community, from all around the world, and as I mentioned we try to get close enough to feel the brotherhood without frontiers.
Taking that in consideration, and regarding our "way of life" which is all related with the "smoke cult" we decide to create a "COAT of ARMS",
With the help of our friend Jorg Eichelberg, that design it, we achieve this goat. we have our Coat of Arms.

The Saloon's Coat of Arms is composed by marks, symbols,identifiers that represents our Universe.
You can see:
The helmet and the shield, who shows security, bravery, courage and determination without fear...
The Globe on the top of the helmet that represents all places in the world where we are represented.
The Tobacco leaf on the shield, raw material for a daily smoke, regardless of how it is smoked.
The pipe and the cigar also on the shield, which represent the diversity of ways to enjoying a good smoke.
The 5 diferent stars with diferent coulors, which represents
misticaly 5 elements, 5 continents...in fact represents the union power of the Saloon Universe.
The the sign with the magnificent words : " Fuma in pace"
which means ....... " Smoke in Peace",

At the end of the day, nothing better than combine a peaceful and relaxed moment with a reflection and a cool smoke period in life.

Day by day we notice that the Saloon is more than a Forum, more than a simple group...
The Saloon is efectivly a friendship brotherhood group.
Consistent, loyal to the Values, conserned with people, with there lifes, conserned with social facts, alwyas as Human beings.In fact more than a group this is "THE" Saloon.
This is a place that i'm proud of and "I bet" that all official members, who are friends, will say and feel the same.

Well, a litle bit more of the Saloon's history, evolution and Values..
Just stay well, be well and simply enjoy life..
No matter where you are nether when you will read this, but, for sure the Saloon will be always with doors open to friends.
This is the way we face life.
Cordial Thanks to all. Good smokes