As the ISS Blogue only was born yesterday, as you know, 1 1/2 year after "The Saloon" now it's time for a little bit of history.
The ideia was to create a good place to be, having fun, changing knowlodge, information and even news regarding the "smoke cult".
Well, to that place i call it " International Smoking Saloon", in real true " THE Saloon" as all of you already call it!
In fact now, 1.637 members after, The Saloon is more than a place. It's a Brotherhood.
A friendship brotherhood that all evenings, all nights, all mornings and all days (depending the zone on the Universe) are togheter on the web, at "our place" talking and having fun always with topics regarding The smoke lifestyle.
Majority we are all pipe smokers and cigar smokers, but then pipe makers, tobacco shops, pipe shops, cigars dealers, retails, wholesales companies, factories.....well...friends arrived and arrived to us and now ...all toghether we are a big brotherhood....
for sure that, as we mention on our welcome note...anything related with smoke you can find there.
Must important, as a friendship brotherhood we are no longer a simple forum...we know eachother, or we try to....we have friendshipsmoking meetings, we have Video-Conference meetings...we try to connect the most we can within the Saloon spirit....
Is dificult to imagine how to manage all this with so many people and from all arround the world...
but we do it without any problems.
We look for the clock, we know the timezones, we treat eachothers "by name"...
We post news and we comment, but respect prevails...
We post photos and we have fun, but all Saloon's values prevails
We care about eachothers as Human Beings...and Values prevails...
We look for social and personal causes..and we are there..
We are a real friendship brotherhood...In fact.
We have done so may things till now..and we will keep on with this spirit...that's for sure...
A tópic for today the ISS pipe 2011.
Yes, we plan to have a Unique pipe, marked by number...a pipe that only the Saloon's members could have..just to recognize our friendship...
And we did it..
With the support of some specific friends, we achieve that goal. It was suberb to see that one day we were celebrationg the ISS pipe 2011. All toghether, at the same time smoking a pipe in each part of the globe.
All history is on The Saloon and if you are reading this text you already know this..but..
...this was, indeed, a great achievement....
It was the idea of Thomas Bazant, the patience and criativity of Fritz Schroter, the 'hands' of Lucien Georges who was the pipe maker, every friend envolved was important for the process (sorry not to mention all)...well...and at the end of the day .....we could and we can see our ISS pipe 2011 on a "few" countries as Portugal, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Austria, France, Bulgary, USA, Indonisia, Denmark......
Indeed it was a great mark to The Saloon...and a great prespective our friendship...
We will keep with this challange...for sure this year we will prepare another one....
...and it will be a symbol of our friendship brotherhood as well
In resume..these humble words are just a few words to describe who I am proud of our Saloon
All the best to all.
Please keep on..just Keep on and Enjoy life
Good smokes to all!